Monday Vibes

Energy Muse Jewelry

Happy Monday, tribe. Perfect day for setting the intentions for the week along with some goals. I find that when I start focusing on physical goals only, I become unbalanced in my emotions and spiritually exhausted. And if I focus solely on internal goals, I become somewhat complacent and stagnant. This week, I want to focus on a balance between intention and internal/external goals.

My intention for (at least) the beginning of the week is to embrace patience and forgiveness to the best that I can. I had a testy few days where I’ve had to make some pretty major decisions to initiate my own changes…and have had to practice shielding myself from certain people and situations. So, here’s to forgiveness and patience!

Goal wise, I have two “physical” goals to practice this week and two spiritual goals. I find that it’s a lot more acceptable when we don’t wake up on a Monday morning and say “Ok, today marks the day I will be perfect in so many ways.” Perfection is overrated right? Where’s the fun in that?!!

My goals for the week are to move my body in different ways for one hour each day, to eat only from foods that have less than 3 ingredients in them, to meditate 30 minutes each day and journal for 5 minutes immediately following my meditation. Doable, self-caring, nurturing intentions and goals are just what the spirit ordered!

Check out the pic below for a “Daly Dish” that is a go-to favorite and a substitute for some favorite comfort foods. This blackened chicken breast and mashed cauliflower bowl is super quick, super easy and super delicious! I’ll be delving into recipes more in the upcoming weeks.

Till the next time,


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