Just Start

Just Start

Just start. Two little words that hold a lot of weight. I’ve been here before. We all have, right? That “thing” that we always have lingering in the back of our minds that we REALLY want to do, but for some reason always seem to talk ourselves out of. This is my “thing”. Several years ago, I paid a web developer a pretty penny to design and host a beautiful website for me. I never got it off of the ground like I wanted to, maybe out of fear or procrastination. Or maybe the timing wasn’t right in hindsight. But one day, I logged into my very expensive website and it was gone. Turns out, the developer decided to shut down his services without contacting the client. Everything was gone and my creativity for writing went with it for a long time. Maybe it was a good thing though. It gave me another decade of learning, education and experience in the niche that has been my career for two decades.

So…here’s my new baby. Created and developed by me…which gives the control freak in me some comfort. I’ve played around with it for a couple of months… It’s a work in progress, not perfect and will always need tweaking, but that’s exactly how I like it! Today, June 13, marks a new moon. I am fascinated with the moon and its energies. This new moon in Gemini is an interesting one. It is filled with playfulness, creativity, empowerment and communication. It is also thought of to be a great time for new beginnings, especially those that involve stepping out of your comfort zone into what can set the stage for the years to come.

Which is why I thought that today would be a great day to launch my new blog on this particular day with this particular vibe. Sometimes the thrill in life is being in your comfort zone and sometimes the thrill in life involves stepping out of that zone and walk the paths needed to manifest your goals. This creation revolves around us as a whole… the mind, body and spirit related topics that we can jump into so that we can raise our awareness of our true selves and live a high vibe life. I’m looking forward to sharing recipes, workouts, yoga, meditations, mantras, affirmations and other topics that appeal to both your inner and outer self. So what is that “thing” that YOU have been putting on the backburner? That “thing” that your inner voice just KNOWS you can rock in your life if you JUST START.

If you’re reading this now, welcome and I am so glad that you are here. Till the next time!


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